The AFLC World Mission Committee is pleased to announce that Pastor Del Palmer has accepted the call to serve as full time director of the world mission department. Pastor Palmer has served as the part time director for the past 3 years and will begin his full time responsibilities February 1, 2006. He will be leaving Faith Lutheran Church in Shakopee after serving them for almost 10 years.
Because of to the opportunities to expand AFLC mission work around the world, it was determined that a full time director was necessary due. We anticipate starting a new work with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Uganda in 2006 with missionary candidates Nate and Rhoda Jore. The World Mission Committee is also looking at expanding the work of missions in our current fields of Brazil, India, and Mexico.
Pastor Palmer begins his full time service by participating with the tour group to Brazil celebrating 40 years of AFLC mission work there. On that same trip, he will also participate in an exploratory trip up the Amazon River to evaluate the possibility of starting a new work. Any expansion of mission work in Brazil would be in partnership with the AFLC Brazil national church.
Pastor Palmer has already traveled to India, Africa, Brazil, and Mexico in support of our mission efforts. His full time status will accommodate this travel in the future as well as allow him to better promote missions within the United States and Canada including teaching a missions class at the Bible School and Seminary.
Within the past couple of years a number of people have expressed interest in serving the Lord through AFLC World Missions. Some such as Nate and Rhoda Jore, and Tomaz and Miriam Chimel are in the final stages of the process. Others have just begun discussions of the process. Please contact Pastor Palmer if you sense that inner call and would like to find out more about the work of AFLC World Missions.
The purpose of AFLC World Missions is, by the grace of God, to make disciples of all nations through teaching and evangelism.
Matthew 9:37,38 “Then he said to his disciples. ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’.”