We are at the point now of letting the some of the kite string out with some of our work here in Sinaloa, so we especially need prayer that the Spirit of God will blow.
In Tayoltita we are beginning to take our new missionaries out so that they can get to know some of the folks, and begin to hear and practice Spanish among them. I am also beginning to back off more allowing the new converts to take more of the work.
We have given the direction of the cell group in Huertos Familiares here in Mazatlan over to the Genaro and his wife, now we will begin studying together the text for the group beforehand. He was encouraged last Friday that we were able to share the Gospel with three men that live close by, as well as the participation from those who came to the meeting.
In el Castillo brother Juan is still preaching on Sundays, but asks for prayer that he might be free from his job every Sunday to be able to serve the Lord. We are praying that one of the youth (Jose Miguel) might help him on Sundays to go out on visitations.
We just received an e-mail from pastor Antonio in Nogales that he really need prayer for his job situation, a new boss is making changes that demand a lot more time. The church is experiencing problems as well, even job and time changes in Masarenas is causing him extra stress. Please keep this dear brother in your prayers.
We are also praying about a move ourselves to el Rosario. To make that work go, it needs more than once a week. Thank you all for praying, we don't want to wear ourselves out running.
Darwin Jacksons are missionaries on loan to World Mission Prayer League