Our Sunday meeting was peaceful and pleasant. One of the smiley faces present was ‘Aldo’, a young married man who had been an alcoholic who used to beat his wife. “I never want any pastors coming into my home” he said, when he heard we were going to visit them. Yet ever since that first visit we made, he and his wife have become eager disciples, filled with so many questions about the Bible. His mother-in-law recently told us how amazed she was to see God’s complete transformation in ‘Aldo’s’ life.
God’s transforming power is only one part of what we are seeing take place here. Not long ago we had an anointing prayer over two women; one who had undergone 2 knee surgeries and was in a wheelchair struggling to recover, the other one was getting her life in order as she was doing cancer treatments and facing great pain all over. Now Dna. Luzia has retired her wheelchair and is back to driving her VW bug and Dna. Lucia, pain-free is rejoicing that her new health exam results show no sign of cancer.
We are excited to be witnessing these victories and anticipating new ones ahead, such as finding a new permanent place for worship (hopeful to buy a lot and build a church), and also finding a more permanent housing situation for our family as our rented house is up for sale. Please join us in prayer over these two pressing needs and we look forward to reporting God’s answers to you!
Missionaries Jonathan and Tamba Abel