The Tanzania Youth Workers Mission trip will be leaving Wednesday, Aug. 2nd. Please pray for the eleven workers who travel to share the Gospel. We will be going there both to share about Jesus and to learn as well. These students have been learning testimonies and songs in Swahili. We will be practicing wordless skits about Jesus, and showing the Jesus film and The Passion of Christ. We will be traveling to remote areas without electricity and limited roads.
As for the learning side of things, we will be studying how Jesus did ministry and relating that to youth ministry. Studying about Jesus in Africa will allow us to see His life from a perspective that is closer to how He lived. It will force us to focus on the essentials of ministry rather than all of the distractions of our culture. We will be learning from the life of Christ as well as the life of the Tanzanians who are very hospitable, humble, and peaceful. They put the priorities on people rather than projects and they trust in God because it is essential for their daily life.
Please pray for
Ben Jore, Jared Langness,Jesse Long, Jordan Langness, Sarah Rolf, Emily Walker, Heather Koller, Tracy Clark, Matt Nelson, Nate Nash, Kayla Russum, Andrew Olson and Kevin Olson.