What will your function be in Uganda?
As outlined in our working agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Uganda (ELCU):
“According to the AFLC World Missions’ purpose to make disciples through teaching and evangelism, and according to the ELCU’s request for a missionary to come and help them to train their pastors, the missionary’s primary function should be to disciple church leaders and to train them in the Word of God. The training should always have as its goal to equip Ugandan nationals to fulfill the role of trainer, evangelist, pastor, church planter, and lay leader. The missionary’s primary responsibility is to preach the Gospel and make followers of Jesus Christ who will then go out and make more followers of Jesus Christ. The missionary’s activities will reflect the goal of making disciples and will lead him to developing relationships with the nationals, teaching the Bible, and modeling the Christian life.”
What will you be doing your 1st year in Uganda?
Our 1st year in Uganda will be spent studying the language and culture and building relationships. We will be observing how things operate, what the greatest needs are, and we will be assessing how to best meet those needs. Also during this phase, we will be prayerfully seeking reliable and faithful men (II Timothy 2:2) with whom to partner in the ministry. We look forward to this time of learning, and we realize how necessary it is that we have a good grasp of the Ugandan culture before we attempt to set up a pastoral training center. We are going in with an American worldview and perspective, but we desire to learn how to see things with an African perspective. We know that it will take time and won’t be easy, but we pray that we are up for the challenge!
What will your housing be like?
As of yet, we don’t know… nor do we know for sure which city we will be living in! Del Palmer, AFLC World Missions Director, will be traveling to Uganda sometime in September to meet with the ELCU church leaders to discuss our working agreement with them. He will also work on deciding where we should live and securing housing for us. We are thankful that he is going before us and making our transition much smoother!
What will Rhoda’s role be?
I do not have a specific assignment, but I see my responsibilities as being primarily in the home, supporting Nate in any way I can and caring for our boys. I have a degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) so I hope to eventually use it in some capacity. I also have dreams of starting an orphanage. For now, we are just praying and waiting to see what doors the Lord will open.
Monthly Support
Goal ………….……………$5000
Pledged ………$3620 (72.4%)
Needed …….…$1380 (27.6%)
Prayer Warriors …..……..551