We take off late Wednesday (November 1st) afternoon and after switching planes in Chicago and London, we will arrive Friday morning Uganda time (around midnight on Thursday night CST). We have talked about, prayed for, and prepared for this move for the last few years and it seems unreal to us that our departure day is so near. We are eager to go and join our brothers and sisters in Uganda, but we're not eager to say good-bye's here. We're thankful for all the time we've been able to spend these past few weeks with many friends and family members.
Pack man. . .
Packing is coming along great, thanks to Nate. He is the ultimate packer! All the boxes packed thus far have been put together like a puzzle, every centimeter of space used has been carefully planned and each piece weighs almost exactly 70 pounds (the maximum allowed weight). We are just about done and then we'll be able to relax a bit before take-off.
Almost there. . .
Our monthly pledged support is currently at 91%, which is very encouraging to us. Thank you to all of you that have committed to giving! Even though we do not yet have 100% of our support raised, we have been receiving above and beyond in one-time gifts each month. We praise God for His provision through all of those that have given.
Commissioning service...
We will be commissioned for missionary service this Sunday at our home congregation, Grace Free Lutheran, in Maple Grove, MN. The service is at 10:30am and there will be a potluck following. You're all invited to come!
Please pray for. . .
- Our relationship with the Lord - teachable and quiet hearts, complete dependence on His strength, greater love for Him
- Our relationship with each other - We have been told by several other missionaries to be alert in standing against Satan's attacks on our marriage, which is often one of his first tactics in destroying a couple's ministry and influence. We have felt the attacks already! Please pray for unity, selflessness and a servant spirit towards each other.
- Our travel - that we'd be alert to opportunities that God may give us to share with others about Him, that the boys would sleep well and be content, that we'd be able to get a bassinette and carseat (given on a first-come, first-serve basis) for Judah on our overnight flights, and that all of our luggage would arrive with us
- Our health - Nate just got over a cold, Rhoda is in the middle of one and the boys are currently healthy (Pray that they stay that way! Flying in an airplane with a cold can be pretty miserable.).
- Our transition - for cultural sensitivity, for a closeness and unity with the leaders and churches we'll be joining, for quick acclimation to Ugandan culture, for wisdom and patience as we set up our home (it will be unfurnished)
We will email our next update from Uganda as soon as we're able to from an Internet cafe near our home.
Thank for your ongoing support and encouragment!
In Him,
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah & Judah