I went to the water company one day to pay our water bill, and ran into Memo, a member of our church, who is the chief engineer for the water company.
He introduced me to another employee of the company named Amilcar.
Amilcar had recently moved to
Jerez from
Aguascalientes, as had we, so we got to talking.
In a few minutes’ conversation it came out that Amilcar and his wife Claudia we were both Black Belts and ran a karate school together in
We found out that we knew many of the same people back in
In fact, it turned out that I one of my black belts is in the very style of martial arts that Amilcar and Claudia teach!
I was looking for a place where I could work out, so I started training at his school. I ended up steering a few students his way as well. Once in a while he would ask me to teach a special class in self defense or some other related topic of martial arts. As we got to know each other, Amilcar and Claudia opened their hearts. They were very unhappy and felt like their marriage wasn’t working. In fact, they were close to throwing in the towel and giving up – and they had two precious little girls. They had no idea how to improve things, and no idea of how God intended marriage to work.
Within a few months they both asked the Lord Jesus to come into their hearts and take control of their life. They started praying together and studying the Bible, especially looking for God’s plan for their marriage and family life. Their wounded hearts were healed by God’s loving touch. They seem to have fallen in love with each other all over again!
All of that was six years ago. Today Amilcar and Claudia are a leading family in our little congregation. Their two daughters have two little brothers now, and they have just started building a house for their family. God’s loving plan for their life is unfolding beautifully and their children are growing up with something they had both missed growing up – they wonderful experience of knowing Jesus!