It's sure been a fun 1st day with them. We made them stay awake all day, tired as they were, so that they could beat the jet lag & get on a good sleeping schedule. They did great.
Two of the guys, Joe and Sam, have learned already what it means to be a flexible missionary as they've been asked to preach tomorrow morning. The 1st Jesus Film showing won't be until Wednesday evening, so we have a few days for them to ease into life here and get caught up on rest. On Monday we're planning a "Village Survival Day" to orient them a bit on what it'll be like staying in the village. A few things on the agenda for them will be:
- Taking bucket showers
- Taking a break from electricity
- Sampling local food
- Handwashing clothes
- Using the squat pot... We can't wait.
We'd appreciate prayer as the Campaign draws nearer. This past week Nate & I have experienced a lot of what we believe is spiritual opposition.
- Nate, Elijah & Judah all have been sick
- Our car wouldn't start yesterday - the vehicle to be used transporting the team and the equipment to each Jesus Film showing (a fellow missionary thankfully came over this morning & fixed it!)
- A divisive issue with one of the pastors we work with has come to light that Nate will have to deal with in the next few days
- And honestly, just overall irritability around our house.
We are grateful for all of you. You have been wonderful about encouraging us through your emails and letters. Thank you.
We'll try to keep you updated as the Campaign gets going.
Rhoda (for Nate too)