Dear friends,
Greetings from Waama Bible College!
Third Term at Waama
The third and final term of the school year started a week after Easter. Both Jesse and I continue to enjoy the challenge of teaching, especially the Bible courses. This term I am teaching Daniel, Jesse is teaching I Timothy, and we are both teaching English, computer, keyboard, and guitar. We are continually amazed at how quickly this school year has passed. Graduation is
scheduled for June 24!
Jesus Film Ministry
We continue to show the Jesus Film in local villages virtually every weekend. We find great joy in this ministry as it is an
encouragement to the local churches and a powerful opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to non-believers in their mother tongue.
Recently we have noticed a lot of opposition to these showings (cancellations, technical difficulties, and interference from other
church groups). Would you continue to intercede for this ministry?
Uganda, US, and beyond...
The day after graduation, Jesse and I will begin a journey to Uganda. By the time we arrive with our film projection equipment,
five others from the U.S. will already be there with my brother, Nate, and his family. Together, we anticipate showing the Jesus
Film 17 times during this three week campaign!
After Uganda, both Jesse and I will return to the U.S. for about 7 weeks (mid-July to early Sept). Along with visiting many friends and churches during this time, Jesse needs a check-up with his diabetes doctor and I will take advantage of the opportunity to visit the rest of my family who will all be on furlough. After our time in the U.S., Jesse and I plan on returning to Tanzania to teach at Waama for at least one more year.
Praise God for...
- His protection and provision
- the privilege of serving here
- a strong finish to this school year
- our Jesus Film ministry both in Tanzania and in Uganda
- a successful trip to the US.
Ben Jore
PS - A Waama Student's Testimony
Eight years ago, Sam* never would have attended church. He often drank and did not have time for God. One evening, he was thoroughly drunk and happened to stumble past the local Lutheran church where the Jesus Film was being shown outside. He stopped to watch. Despite his drunken state, God touched his heart and saved him that night. Now, he is studying at Waama and looking forward to returning to work as lay pastor of that church. Last month at Sam's invitation, we showed the Jesus Film again at this location, this time in the local dialect. What a moving experience to hear Sam close the evening by inviting the unbelievers among the 750 people who had gathered to accept Christ—just as he had accepted Christ at a similar event eight years before!
*not his real name