Thomas Hooker, Puritan
I had a great visit with the three congregations of Laguna Hills Lutheran Church of the Cross and the Aliso Viejo Church of the Cross this last Sunday. What a great group of brothers and sisters! Many came up to me after the services saying that they are Prayer Partners, so it was great to put faces on some of you who are involved in this "chief work."
Gracie goes in for her operation tomorrow morning on her foot. She is getting a plastic pin put in to keep her foot from being so flat (this will help prevent problems with her ankles and knees as she grows).
Mary Ann's mom continues to weaken day by day. She is open to hear Scripture each day, and confesses Christ as her Savior. We don't expect her to last much longer.
Thank you for all your prayers at this time, "for by means of them we carry on..."
Your fellow workers,
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson