Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Update from Jores

Rhoda and children Greetings from Uganda where the rainy season has just begun and people are busy planting their fields.  We are doing well and are eagerly waiting for the arrival of our third child later this month!  Rhoda has certainly had her exhausted moments, but today she reported having a new burst of "nesting" energy.  She really has been amazing and is the picture of health and beauty.  We are planning to deliver in the city of Kampala which is about a 2 hour drive, depending on traffic.  We have the option of going early and staying in a guest house to await the time when Rhoda goes into labor, but we are playing it by ear.  We would appreciate your prayers for a healthy, natural delivery.  Judah, our 2nd born, was lying transverse (sideways) near the end of Rhoda's pregnancy last time, resulting in a c-section, but we are really hoping for a natural delivery this time.  The baby is currently still quite mobile and seems to be flipping around freely in the womb.  We are praying that at the right time the baby will settle into a head-down position. We would appreciate your prayers for this as well.

We got to spend Easter with my brother Ben who came up for two weeks from Tanzania.  It was a great joy to have him here with us.  It was a blessing to teach a one-day seminar in Butagaya village to a group of 17 pastors from many denominations.  He also was in Buwenge village on Easter Sunday to witness my first sermon in Lusoga!  I had written it out before hand and practiced reading it many times.  I also decided it would be prudent of me as his older brother to let him beat me in golf because it was his birthday...  (Yes, we do have a golf course in Jinja, and no, I don't like losing to my little brother at anything  :).
We are very much looking forward to the arrival of Rhoda's Mom and sister Naomi who will be with us for the birth of our baby.  They arrive on the 18th.

In the last update I had told you about one of our pastors who had gotten into some trouble.  I am happy to report that the discipline he was given has led to repentance and he has joined us again for our pastor's meetings.
I should also report on Richard as I know many of you have been praying for him.  He has not been around much as he got a new job in a different location.  I was encouraged for a while after visiting with him a month ago.  He seemed to be doing well and looked a lot more healthy.  He told me at that time that he had given up drinking and smoking.  I have since heard from another friend who talked to him that he has been avoiding coming around because he has fallen back into drinking.  Please continue to pray for him.
The main reason we have come to Uganda is to train leaders who will train others in the ways of God.  We have embarked on a very large and exciting task of developing a curriculum to use in this training.  I am working with the local pastors as we develop this curriculum.  Please pray for great wisdom and perseverance for us.
We love you all and pray that you are well and that God is meeting your every need. 

May God bless you all,
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah, Judah, and baby