Dear E-mail Prayer Partners
"Oh believing brethren! What an instrument is this which God hath put into your hands! Prayer moves Him that moves the universe." Robert Murray McCheyne
In spite of the fears in Nogales over the drug cartel wars, but God has been blessing His word thanks to your prayers.
Sunday Alfonso and I had the opportunity to lead to men to Jesus, and they came to church. Pray for Jose and Alberto. That afternoon I went out to one of the camps with a group from a local Baptist church. They go out there every couple of months or so and liked the idea that I could follow up more often then they can. They worked with the kids, while I took the adults, all men, and praise God eight of them received the Lord Jesus. The camp was small, and very poor (as far as the living conditions) compared with those farther south where we worked before. It felt really good to be working with these folks again. I'll continue to go with our Baptist brethren so that I can learn where the camps are and begin to go in on my own as well. "Oh believing brethren! What an instrument is this which God hath put into your hands!"
Last night God showed me a 19 year old young man near our Buenos Aires congregation. While we sat on an old couch outside watching and listening to the rain pour down, he hear the best news ever and received Jesus as his Savior. And two men came foreword today at the rescue mission to publicly receive Jesus... what a week of blessings! "What an instrument is this which God hath put into your hands! Prayer moves Him that moves the universe."
Your Fellow workers,
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson