After our morning walk and devotional time this morning Paul and I sang a favorite song of ours called “Find us Faithful.” It reminded me of the great number of people who have gone before us as wonderful Christian examples to encourage us. The words of the e song also encouraged
me in being careful to leave a path of memories and examples that others can follow to find their way to fulfilling God’s will. The chorus says, “Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful, may the fire of our devotion light their way. May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe and the lives we live inspire them to obey. Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful.” May the next generation walk in the light of Christ, believing and obeying Him as the faithful Creator and Savior and Sustainer.
The past month has been full of challenges (as usual). Thank you for praying for us. It is difficult to always preach the truth, even when it hurts. Confrontation of sin is never an easy task, neither for us on a personal level, nor when it is necessary on a ministerial level. Although we delight in sharing the love and mercy of God, we find it important not to neglect the preaching of the judgment of God concerning sin. The longer we live in Brazil the more we discover the deep-rooted sin sickness within mankind that surfaces to turn people’s hearts away from God. We are by nature sinful and unclean and in great need of God’s mercy and forgiveness!
We would ask you to pray for our congregation in Campo Largo. This work started out so beautifully and God blessed us in so many ways. As of late we have been facing many struggles. One group of members decided to start a new work on the other side of town, leaving us with a small group in our relatively new outreach in the community. The new group is small, too, and faces its own challenges. We personally felt this was not the right time to start a new work. Of those who continue with us there is a group of strong believers who want to make ministry happen, but there are others who have interpersonal problems and have been unwilling to resolve them. Crazy work schedules make faithful attendance a difficulty, too. We have had several visitors in the past weeks, but we are really struggling. Please pray for the future of this congregation, for God’s leading and provision.
Paul continues to be divided between three congregations. The church in Sao Braz is looking for a fulltime pastor, but for the time-being Paul does the visitation there and preaches on occasion. In Bateias Pastor Joel recently stepped down from his role as a paid pastor because of unfortunate comments from disgruntled members who don’t know how to value their pastor. He is more than willing to continue preaching and teaching, but will no longer receive a salary from the church. He is looking for secular work to help support his family. So that’s one more place Paul is concerned about. I share these things so that you can remember us in prayer in a more concrete way. We want God’s answers to our problems, and we want to be used by Him to build strong churches.
On a happier note, let me tell you of some of the blessings!
- Marcia is home from the hospital – finally – and is recuperating after having another brain surgery. The doctors believe she will recuperate in time. At present she is having trouble with her vision and is not able to work. She walks slowly and still has pain, but she is home with her two girls in the chalet behind our house. We are all hopeful for a better future. She still needs much support from us as there are no social programs to help her.
- Last weekend the students from the Bible School and seminary in Campo Mourao spent the weekend here. We had a group of 35 lay people and students together for a short course on Martin Luther offered at the Lutheran seminary in Curitiba. Saturday evening we had a big youth gathering at the Campo Largo church with over 100 youth (a few adults in that count) – a very encouraging night! The service lasted three hours and was a great blessing as we sang praises, heard testimonies from the students, listened to special presentations from each of the churches represented, and heard a challenging message from God’s Word based on II Tim. 2:15. We are praying that God would encourage some of those young people to spend a year at our Bible School next year.
- Five of our people were blessed by participating in the “Ancient Pathways” weekend seminar in September.
- Plans are underway for a missionary trip to the “back 40” in October.
- We had a successful clothing sale and the leftovers will be sent along with those going on the missionary trip.
- Our churches are gearing up for the big Billy Graham crusade in November – MY HOPE. Many of our families have agreed to open their homes to invite non-believers to come and watch the evangelistic outreach aired on national TV sponsored by the Billy Graham Association. We are praying for great results as God’s people prayerfully reach out to the unsaved.
- The regular church ministries continue to bless lives weekly. I have started a weekly Bible Club for children in Bateias and in Campo Largo which has been going well. I had left that ministry for awhile, but feel that it is time to invest in this area again. Pray for me as I prepare and teach these precious children.
- Our good Christian friend Edson Basso is up for re-election as mayor of our city (100,000 population). If he wins it will the first time in the history of Campo Largo to re-elect a mayor. We feel he is doing an excellent job and hope the results are positive next Sunday on election day. Our daughter Joanna has been involved in the campaign doing a radio program directed at the women voters three times a week.
- Our family is all well and serving the Lord in their unique ways. We are thankful that they are following in our footsteps and living their lives to make a difference for eternity.
Thanks so much for your continued support of our ministry!
We appreciate you and ask God to continue to strengthen you for the ministry He has for you.
May those who come behind us find us faithful,
Paul and Becky