Monday, February 09, 2009

India/Uganda Prayer Update 8


We traveled to the village of Buwenge where we had the Sunday worship service.  Just as the service was starting we found out that three children would be baptized and that they wanted Elden to baptize them.  Elden also spoke at the service.


P1010030We observed pastoral training in a village north of Jinja.   Nate used the oral method of telling Bible stories to relay Scriptural truths.  The training was well received and the students practiced on each other so that they could pass the training on to those in their congregations.


We will be having a crucial meeting with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Uganda.  This meeting could determine the future path of AFLC mission work in Uganda.  Please Pray.

Another Subject - from Todd Schierkolk

Would you please also be in prayer for our fellow-worker, Ingrid Giles?  Ingrid is facing some challenging health issues and may have to spend some time in the USA.  Please pray for peace for her as she decides whether to stay in Jerez or to go up to Arizona to get this taken care of.

Prayer Requests

  • Praise that those with colds are feeling better
  • The meeting with the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • The health concerns of Ingrid Giles