Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ingrid Giles - Mexico

Ingrid Please keep praying for Nena and Fernando and their family.  They definitely have some huge challenges and probably some hurts that only God can fix, but I believe God is working! 

Their oldest boy, Eric, is in my Sunday School class.  I think he’s 11 years old.  On Sunday we were talking about how God always supplies our needs when we need them, but sometimes He does ask us to wait.  I said some things can’t wait, for example if you are hungry God isn’t going to say, “Well, I’ll give you food next week some time, or maybe next month.”  But sometimes we think we need something right now, and God asks us to wait for it.  Eric said, “Like when I prayed for my dad to come home.  I never stopped praying, every day, but God made me wait three years.  It was worth the wait!”  I am so thankful to God for answering this boy’s heartfelt prayers.  Just in the few weeks since their dad came home, Eric and his brothers have changed so much -- for the better!  I often think God has big plans for those boys.

We also have a new family in our church.  Those of you who get the Schierkolks’ prayer letters will remember praying for a baby girl who was in grave condition because of a heart murmur.  God has healed her, and that has led her mom and grandparents to start coming to church.  Praise God!  I don’t remember their names; I know them as “Omar’s family.”  (Omar is a young man in our youth group and an uncle of the baby.)

I apologize for not updating my blog very often, but it does have a couple of updates now.  The address is http://ingrid.zrgtech.com

Here is my prayer list:

Please (requests):

  • Pray for my continued health.  (I am still completely well!)
  • Ask God to continue to provide Dan and Marcela’s financial needs and also mine.  
  • Please continue to pray for Claudia Gamboa and her kids, Abril and Cesar, and Oscar.
  • Pray for Nena and Fernando and their family.
  • Pray for Omar’s family; that they would come to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
  • Pray that God would give me the words and phrases necessary to do the best possible job of translating this Sunday School material so that it will be clear to children from all over the Spanish-speaking world.  Also pray that God would use these lessons to speak to the children and teachers who use them.
  • Pray that I’d do a good job as Sunday School teacher.
  • Ask God to guide me in small and large decisions, and to help me spend my time wisely.

Thank you (praise):

  • I have continued to be well!
  • Fernando is here and seems to be trying to follow God and to be a good dad and a good husband.
  • Eric, Samuel and Brayan -- Fernando and Nena’s boys -- are still absolutely glowing with pride and joy since their dad came back!
  • We have a new family (Omar’s family) in church! 
  • I have wonderful loving friends and family and I get to spend time with my nieces every day!
  • God is continuing to provide our needs.


Ingrid Giles