“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises to Thy name, O Most High; to declare Thy lovingkindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness by night.” Psalm 92:1-2
We are thinking of our AFLC friends in the U.S. as they gather for Annual Conference this week. May their fellowship be sweet and their decisions godly as they give thanks to God as a church body.
Our vacation trip was a blessed get-away, something totally new and different for us. We travelled 5000 kilometers by plane to Recife and back, and another 3500 kilometers in a rented car. It was fun to travel with our friends Gerson and Indioara as we went to visit our missionary friends Gary and Sherry in Petrolina and Ken and Lori in Mossoró. We passed through six states and had new cultural experiences with foods, language, and different landscapes. The northeast is usually very dry, but they have been blessed with rain to green things up. Yet, the shrubbery is all very low, lots of cactus and desert scapes. Drivers need to be aware of goats and donkeys crossing the roads. Our second week was spent on the beautiful coastal beaches, one more beautiful than the other. We spent unforgettable moments snorkeling among the colorful ocean fish and taking in the splendid sights of God’s creation. Our 30th wedding anniversary was well-celebrated!
Back at the ranch everything went well without us, but there was plenty of work awaiting us upon our return. The weather has been extremely cold with hard frosts on many nights. I am especially thankful for the fireplace in our living room which makes for a cozy spot on cold evenings. I managed to catch a miserable cold which has been hanging on for more than a week now. Many others are suffering, too.
Paul planned an outing last week for the young neighbor kids who are always around here playing and helping out with odd jobs. I made a big picnic lunch, a man from church made some fishing poles, Paul loaded up the canoe on the trailer pulled by the church bus, and off they went for a day of fun. We hope these little investments in lives will help them feel loved and want to choose to follow the Lord.
This past weekend we had two special events. Saturday was the Valentines Banquet at the ARCA for the married and unmarried couples. Paul gave a very good talk on “Love and Respect” as part of the program. Then on Sunday we had an outreach event in Campo Largo. We once again went around the neighborhood handing out invitations (as we have done on many other occasions).
In the past we have had difficulty in getting people from this particular neighborhood to come to any events at the church. So this time we decided to try a food event, and sure enough we had positive results. People came all during the afternoon to buy our Brazilian pastries and listen to live Gospel music presented by five young men from the Bateias church. We had a drawing at the end of the afternoon preceded by a skit and devotional. We were pleasantly surprised at how many people came and stayed and seemed to enjoy themselves. Now we continue to pray that some “brave” souls will decide to visit our church again for spiritual food.
Our family is well. The boys are working for Paul’s cousin Tim at his farm in Stephen, MN, for the summer again. They have special vacation plans for July which include the FLY youth convention in Estes Park, a fishing trip to Canada, and a week at the lake cabin in WI with the Dahlin family.
We see our girls weekly. Christina was here for brunch today with some of her English students. She does not see much of her husband Daniel these days because of the demanding schedule of his residency program. Joanna and the little girls were with us Monday night for a special celebration at the Gill household. Paul’s sister Deby and family (11 kids) have returned to Brazil to live. Family is special!
Please join us in prayer for Joanna and her partners as they seek God’s will for Lighthouse International School. They now have over 50 students and will not be able to continue on in the same rented quarters next year. They need wisdom and provision for the next step. Developing a Christian school is a big challenge, and Joanna would really appreciate your prayer support.
In July we will be traveling to Campo Mourão to lead two Bible Camps, one for children and another for teens. Pray for us as we teach and bless lives there.
Right now it is time to head off for church. My group is leading the worship tonight and I need to get my children’s class ready, too.
Sure hope you have a great summer! Take time to appreciate people, enjoy God’s creation, and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.
Thank you for your interest in our lives and ministry!
Love, Paul and Becky