Almost two months have slipped by and I realize it is time to communicate with our web of friends and supporters. We hope everyone has returned to another school year with a desire to do all to the glory of God and give Him thanks in all things.
Looking Back
We have had a full two months. I just want to give you a quick overview so that you can rejoice with us and pray for us as you have done so faithfully throughout the years of our ministry in Brazil. Paul had a complete recovery of his voice after weeks of struggling with laryngitis. Our time in Campo Mourão in September giving a course on courtship and sexuality was blessed by the Lord and we hope the decisions made will be significant in helping young people remain sexually pure. We taught the classes together this time because of Paul’s weak voice. As he ministered during the week his voice gradually strengthened.
The following week we drove to São Paulo to meet my folks and take them to visit a boy they support monthly through Compassion International. Then we returned to Curitiba to spend a wonderful three weeks together. It is almost hard to believe that this was their 10th visit to Brazil in the 25 years we have been here. How thankful we are for their faithful support and encouragement of our ministry!
They kept busy the whole time they were here, painting our house and doing fix-up jobs that we just don’t get around to doing. Of course we enjoyed sharing our life and ministry and friends with them as well. One highlight for all of us was babysitting for Deborah and Sarah for 10 days while Joanna and Silvio were traveling. We had a great bonding time and memories to cherish for the years to come. We also enjoyed celebrating a host of birthdays. I feel like I have made plenty of fancy birthday cakes for awhile. Thanks to all of you who remembered to send birthday greetings to us!
We are praising God for the rentals at the ARCA. After several months of financial struggle we are thankful to report that we have bookings set in place until the end of the year. We are breathing a little easier now. Thank you, Lord! We had an Annual ARCA board meeting in September. Yara has decided to terminate her ministry with the camp for the time being but will continue to serve on the Board. Her husand Carlos continues to work as camp manager.
Paul took a quick trip to Campo Mourão a couple of weeks ago for the funeral of our dear friend Dona Vita. She and her husband have been caretakers at the Bible Camp in Campo Mourão for over 40 years. She was a dear saint and will be greatly missed.
Looking Ahead
The church construction in Borda do Campo is progressing (see photo) and they plan to have the dedication service on November 14th and move into unfinished quarters to escape the monthly rent bill.
We have started a weekly Bible Club on Saturdays in Campo Largo in yet one more attempt to reach out to the community. We have had several visitors and are excited about this new avenue of ministry.
This coming weekend the ARCA is hosting our Second Missionary Conference. The first one was in 2007. We hope to host this event every other year to encourage our Free Lutheran people in mission outreach. This year four different workshops will be offered in preparation for a practical mission outreach event in the community on Monday, November 2 which is a national holiday in Brazil.
The Mighty Fortress Church in São Braz also took the initiative to offer a bi-weekly course for training leaders in our area churches. We meet together on Tuesday evenings to learn and encourage one another.
We look forward to the arrival of four Canadian young men next week to help with some construction projects around here. The two short-termers from the States, Jon and Nathan, are still waiting for their visas to be granted, but we hope to see them soon. One other volunteer, Karyn Ballman, is in the process of applying for a visa to spend some time with us as well. Please keep these young people in your prayers.
I’ve already have gone on too long and I feel like I have barely scraped the surface. Life and ministry keep us busy all the time. We are still here because of the mercies of the Lord. We are so glad He never tires of loving people and offering opportunities for men to be reconciled to Him. His Word through the prophet Ezekiel expresses His desire for all mankind – “I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” Ez. 18:32
Thanks for praying for us as we lead people to repentance and faith!
God’s best to each of you! Love, Paul and Becky
P.S. Our old website is no longer active, but I have put together another one if anyone needs information about us or would like to take a look –