Dear Friends at the AFLC In 2009, with the help of generous friends like you... World Relief empowered local churches and communities to: · Welcome 7,200 refugees. · Serve 100,000 people in conflict-ridden Darfur. · Reach 368,000 mothers with life-saving health lessons. · Teach 40,000 children in kids clubs. · Reach 186,000 new youth with abstinence, faithfulness and leadership lessons. · Distribute loans to more than 135,000 clients to help them build their business. With 2010 approaching, our ability to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable has already been impacted by the economic downturn. At a time when churches around the world are seeing the number of vulnerable increase, they don't have the resources they need to help. The global church has the opportunity to respond and support these churches in serving the hungry, the poor and the vulnerable. If you haven't recently, will you please consider giving a donation to empower the local church around the world? Thank you for your generous support and prayers this past year. Happy New Year!
 Sammy T. Mah President/CEO World Relief PS - If you have any questions, or we can further serve you, please contact us at |