Saturday, March 27, 2010

Brazil Bible Camps

Picture1 Bible Camps at the ARCA Influence Lives

Once again we were involved in two important camp weeks during the summer vacation.  We enjoyed having our sons  and several nieces and nephews among the great group of counselors for the children. The theme  “I want to hear the voice of God” helped all of us spend time in His Word.  It was an enthusiastic week of singing and learning, playing and praying.  The youth camp was also a blessing with about 150 people filling every corner of the ARCA.  This year many young adults from our local churches came together to plan and carry out the camp.  We haven’t worked ourselves out of a job YET, but every year more people take responsibility and the tasks are shared. 


Paul’s folks arrived right before camp started and Pastor John (84) spoke for one of the morning sessions.  We were happy to be able to give the ARCA a little “facelift” including an exterior and interior paint job, a big porch on the front side of the ARCA and a big new industrial stove and oven for the kitchen.

Paul and Becky Abel