| AFLC World Missions Director's Trip Updates August 1, 2010 | | | | Dear Friends Thank you for praying for praying for the Student Mission Trip to India. We have now entered our second week. Training We started the first week last Sunday evening as we gathered at AFLBS. The team spent Monday through Wednesday in training. The training consisted of learning to share the Word of God orally and preparing for the culture of India. The training concluded with at traditional Indian meal in the home of a local Indian family. As we left the home the father challenged us by saying, "Remember, we would not be Christians today if it were not for missionaries who spoke to my grandparents. You are going back to our people. You may never know the impact you will have on the families of generations to come." | Traveling We started our trip half way around the world on Thursday traveling from Minneapolis to Chicago and then to London. Friday we traveled from London arriving in Chennai, India Saturday. Saturday we visited the tomb of the James the Apostle and traveled by train to our final destination, Chirala, India. We arrived after dark, but everyone seemed to have weathered the trip well without being overly tired. Most were able to sleep on the planes and train. |  Teaching This morning, Sunday, we spent in church. Luke Erickson taught about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Matt Jordan played the violin. The girls taught a song in English, with actions. Karen Palmer gave a greeting, and Pastor Palmer preached. |  The Team The team has been fanominal. They are working together and are eager to pitch in and be flexible at a moments notice. All have remained healthy. Please pray for us that God would use us mightily. Del Palmer, AFLC World Missions Director | | | | |