Members of the new Jinja class which began on September 23rd
Dear Friends,
While visiting the sick in Jinja Hopsital, Tracy (the woman in blue above) shared with several patients the story of Cain and Abel that she had just studied in our new Jinja Bible class. Those listening asked, "But why do all the stories in the Bible talk about sin? Why didn't God make sin end with Adam and Eve instead of passing it on to their children?" One of those listening was a man who was near death from AIDS. He said, "I am here today because of my great sin. I have slept with many women and have murdered many of them by infecting them with HIV and now I am reaping the consequences of what I have done." The man was hopeless and fully expecting to receive the fires of hell as his deserved punishment for how he had lived his life. He asked Tracy why God created this world when He knew that we would become sinners, deserving hell. Tracy gladly shared with him the sweet message of the grace of God. "Jesus took the sins of the world on himself as he died on the cross; including your sins. You can be forgiven of your sins and receive eternal life." The man replied with excitement and relief, "I have been waiting to hear this good news," and he prayed, confessing his sins and receiving the gift of salvation that had been offered him.
Tracy is part of a new class that we started on September 23rd here in Jinja. It is different than the first three classes in a number of ways. This is the first class that we have started in town. The first three classes have all been in village locations and attended by the local Basoga people. The new class is conducted in English because it is the common language among the students. (There are over 40 languages spoken in Uganda) There are eight languages represented among the students whose hometowns cover nearly every region of Uganda. Jinja has many residents from other districts because there are more opportunities for employment and education here than in most villages. So far there are 14 students attending the Jinja class.
When Jesus was choosing his disciples, he did not choose the learned Pharisees, but instead chose the common fishermen who were ‘ordinary, unschooled’ men. In many ways, the Jinja class is also comprised of the ‘fishermen’ of Jinja. Most of them are common workers and ‘ordinary, unschooled’ men. It will be interesting to see how God uses this class to further his Kingdom. Please pray for the students with us, that they may grow in their understanding of the Truth, and that they will be bold in sharing their faith with others.
Meanwhile, as the class in Jinja is just beginning their 1st term (starting with the story of Creation), the Butagaya class is soon completing the 2-year Ambassador Institute program. What will come next for those completing the training? Reproduction has been at the core of our goals for the training program. We are praying that among those who graduate, there will be several who feel led to begin training others in the teaching that they have received. The Kagoma class was the first example of this as Fred (one of the Butagaya students) is now using the Ambassador Institute training there. Fred has recently started taking another of the Butagaya students along with him to help him teach in Kagoma as he hopes to begin training in yet another location next year. Three other students have told me that they are also planning to begin training in other locations. Multiplication always starts slowly, but we are excited to see the beginning of it!
On the home-front, Rhoda and the kids are enjoying spending their days learning together. Elijah especially enjoys Math and Science, while Jude loves Art and Music. Elijah recently started piano lessons, and Jude is eager to start on the drum. They both recently joined a gymnastics class, taught by a British woman who is here doing aid work, where they can get all of the flips and jumps out of their system each week, instead of on our couches. Jeremiah is growing chubbier and jollier by the minute! He sure is fun to have around. Hannah takes her job as “big sister” quite seriously. She would be quite happy if we gave her more one-on-one time with him, but since finding her sitting on him on a few different occasions, we keep a close eye on her. She hasn’t caught on yet to the fact that she can’t rough house with him like she does with her big brothers!
We try to keep our blog regularly updated with pictures, so keep checking back for recent shots, even if you haven’t heard from us in awhile. You can find us at:
Thank you, friends, for standing with us and praying for us. We are so grateful for your support. We are always encouraged by your messages, so please keep them coming!
Serving Him together with you,
Nate, Rhoda, Elijah, Judah, Hannah and Jeremiah Jore