Friday, January 28, 2011

The Lutheran Ambassador is on Facebook!


If you want to find out what the AFLC is all about, check out our monthly magazine, The Lutheran Ambassador…now on Facebook!  The January edition is about the Pious Life ~ A Spiritual Life Movement.

“Those that profess themselves to be Christ’s are known not only by what they say but also by what they practice.” ~Ignatius

You will find the various articles posted and when you click on the title of the article you will be able to read the entire article! 

imageIn Pastor Jim Johnson’s article entitled Positively Pious, piety is described as “that movement among Lutherans that emphasizes the personal experience of salvation, Bible study, prayer, revival, missions.”  Check out the entire article for a better understanding of what it means to live out your Christian life to the fullest!


You will also find information about the various departments of the AFLC and be blessed by devotional articles.  If you would like to receive the Ambassador magazine through regular mail, go here to subscribe.

“Thought should be given to a more extensive use of the Word of God among us…The more at home the Word of God is among us, the more we shall bring about faith and its fruits.” ~Philip Jacob Spener in Pia Desideria