Thanksgiving: 1) For the blessed time Jonathan had at the Mission Conference - how God was gracious and allowed him to go to the US - that it was a time for encouraging the Bible School students/Seminarians to find their Mission/purpose in life. He not only enjoyed bonding with everyone there, he had great fellowship with the leadership/teachers, and even got to spend some time with April (a treat, for sure)... He came back encouraged!
2) For the team of couples that are helping him plan for this big Youth Bible Camp at Carnaval time. It has been great to see such team work, effort and help in organizing all the different aspects for camp. Thankful that God opened the doors for Pr. Mark Olson (he got his visa right away), etc.. to come down to be the guest speaker for camp.
Prayer requests: 1) For the Youth Bible Camp (March 4-8) in Campo Mourao. The theme: A generation in the Hands of the Potter. Pray that the messages will trully challenge the youth, that they will rekindle the fires in their spiritual lives - increase their vision for the future, that they will be brought closer together - united as a body of Christ (from all our different churches in Brazil). Pray for spiritual growth, good fellowship, safety (travels and there), and for God to be glorified in everything!
2) For a Ladies Conference (March 19) also in Campo Mourao. The theme: The Cross. Pray that many women can come (safe travels), that it will be a blessed time, with lots of unity and encouragement in our faith in Jesus. That each person will go back home strengthened and desirous to be more like Jesus!
3) For the many visitors, mainly many Americans who will be coming through, to do some Mission work or such.... (their safety as well). Also, the MTI students & Jacob, as they do many different kind of work around the Bible School campus, the orphanage, the Bible Camp....Pray also for Jonni Sliver so that she can soon be on our way here as she is very needed at the orphanage right now!
4) For us as we have lots of medical treatments, etc... that we are trying to get done before we go back on furlough in May. Pray for Tommy who will be undergoing a very delicate ear surgery (re-position a microscopic bone) to restore his hearing, on March 17th. Also, he might be doing another surgery - for a different situation - that God would guide us in all things, and that recovery would be quick! For our health in general, as we have so much to do, to stay healthy to be able to accomplish all that we need to do.
5) For all the things needed to be done before we can go back on furlough, like packing up our house (put all our things in storage), fixing up/painting the house (law requires this for rented houses - got to have it as new upon leaving) - that we can find the right help to aid us in this huge endeavor. Pray that we find a good storage place, that is affordable and secure. Pray that we have wisdom in packing, downsizing, etc....
6) Finally, pray that we can have a safe trip to the US (in May) as we will be going on furlough for one year. Pray that we can make the proper arrangements for scheduling (we hope to confirm schedules, etc. at Annual Conference), that we can leave our church family in good hands (that the right Pastors, mostly from Campo Mourao - would come twice a month to give them assistance), and that the lay people would be a blessing as well, and stay encouraged and strong!
7) That God would guide our decisions regarding our kids' education - that Tommy could complete his H.S. - maybe do some college work by long distance, and get a job to save up for Bible School. Also, April would find a good summer job and continue her studies at AFLBS. Not to forget Michelle, who will be studying as we travel doing deputation around the country - that we can keep it up.