Update from Andrew Abel
Dear Family and Friends,
I am finally getting an update out about my trip to Brazil in January to work on a video documentary of the AFLC Brazil mission field. First off, I want to thank everyone who prayed for me and supported me financially for this project. I am happy to say that this portion of the project has been fully funded, thanks to you!
It has been a busy semester so far, and I am finally getting caught up with life. I have been keeping busy with school and work here on campus as well as working on the Brazil video project. We just had Spring Break here at Northwestern, and now my schedule has lightened up a bit allowing me more time to work on editing the video. This is part of my senior project as I look forward to college graduation in May.
Now rewinding a bit, my time in Brazil was a great blessing! I was able to spend some time with family, see many friends and visit seven of the AFLC churches. I spent the first week with my sisters and their families since my parents had not returned yet. The next week I took off for Maringá with Missionary Jonathan Abel and his family. I spent a couple of days in Maringá and then continued on to Campo Mourão where I spent four days getting footage in the churches, orphanage, Bible School and Seminary. I then returned to Curitiba with my parent’s pickup that had been with Jonathan while they were in the US.
Upon returning to Curitiba I visited the churches in the area and spent a week recording audio for the annual Passion Play in Bateias. This event usually draws about 1000 people to hear and see the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Due to some circumstances in Brazil they have decided not to do the play this year but I am already working on the sound tracks for the 2012 play. Each year some scenes are changed and different voices are recorded.
One thing that stood out to me about this trip to Brazil and my work on this project was the excitement of the Brazilians towards the project. I was well received in all the churches and people were very willing to give me interviews and to help me out in any way. I would like to eventually have a Portuguese version of this project so that the church in Brazil can also benefit from it.
Well, I think that is it for now. The Brazil video project will be available to view in the beginning of May. When it is completed I will send out a link for you to be able to view it online and instructions on how you can order a hard copy if you would like.
Thanks again for your support of this project! Please pray that the final result will be a blessing to the AFLC and to the missionary outreach in Brazil. I will keep you informed of future projects.
In Christ, Andrew Abel