We loved having Kevin and Pam with us for 10 days this month. What a blast of encouragement they brought with them!
While they were here, a special event was held in Butagaya with all 8 Ambassador Institute classes in attendance. Kevin and Nate both shared with the students (about 80 in attendance, along with many family members), and each of the classes shared a drama and/or a song. At the end of the day, we shared a meal together. What a fun day it was.
Pam taught a Bible class for kids on two separate mornings at a nearby apartment building. Both times there were about 60 kids that showed up, many of them Muslims. Pam was able to share the message of Christ with the kids in a very clear way, and at the end of the 1st class 10 kids prayed to receive Him as their Savior. We are praising God for these new believers! Please pray for them with us that they would be able to grow in their young faith, and remain strong in their commitment to following Christ. A few of them come from Muslim families.
Kevin and Nate took 8 of the Ambassador Institute teachers, along with Hans and Micah, on a 3-day trip to Sipi Falls, a beautiful area up on a mountain a few hours fro
m our home. They enjoyed times of relaxing together (playing Dutch Blitz, eating good food, hiking up waterfalls), as well as times of teaching and prayer. We are grateful for the commitment of these men to teach the Word of God in their villages. Please pray for them - that they would grow in their love for Christ and they would stay strong in their desire to bring glory to Him alone.
Kevin and Pam not only blessed all of those they met with and taught, but they blessed our family in a great way. All of the time they spent playing and laughing with our kids was a sweet gift. And all of the time they spent encouraging our hearts as they asked us questions and listened and shared their wisdom while washing dishes or eating a meal together or sitting by candlelight... thank you, Kevin and Pam. We love you dearly.
Editor’s Note: You can view a slideshow of their visit on the Jore’s blog here.