Note from editor: My apologies to Paul and Becky for this late posting of their May newsletter. Please check out the entire newsletter here.
Youth Camp in Campo Mourão The youth in Campo Mourão did most of the planning for this big event in February. We arrived to help keep things running smoothly and lead the counseling staff. 200 youth from many of our Free Lutheran churches in Brazil spent 4 days together praising God and learning from His Word. It's a great way to start out the year with encouragement to live for Jesus.
Women’s Congress In March two busloads of women from the Curitiba area traveled to Iguaçu Falls for the 6th Annual event for Free Lutheran women. Pictured above is of a group from our city presenting special music. Every time I plan one of these big trips I vow I'll never do it again (it's a lot of work and headache!) However, after seeing the positive results of the time of fellowship I start reconsidering. Yes, I'll probably do it again. Pastor Del and Karen Palmer were here during the month of March, and we had a great time together!
Vacation Break The beginning of 2012 has been full of big events (camps, congresses, Passion Play) and normal ministry (regular services and Bible studies six times a week, visits, counseling, parties, outings). We covered for Carlos, the ARCA administrator, while he was on vacation in March, helped get two young people into a drug rehab program, planned special events at our local churches and opened our home to people needing a place to stay. We were happy to take a 4-day road trip break when Becky's folks came to visit us in April. Andrew was with us, too, as he came to help with the lights, sound and video for the Passion Play. How we thank God for these special times
with family! Andrew and Alexi were engaged in February and are planning their wedding for October 21. If anyone is interested in helping us with frequent flyer miles for members of our family to attend the wedding we would be so thankful for your contribution to the cause.