Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Trees Planted by the Waters

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in season, and its leaf does not wither. In all the he does, he prospers. Ps 1:3

DaisyOver the last months you have been praying for one of our girls in particular, Daisy. She has been a part of the Miriam Home, off and on, for four years now. Recently she has gone through cycles of extreme highs and lows emotionally, to the point of putting her well being at risk. Hurts from the past have come up again (especially when an aunt, responsible for many traumas as a child, stepped back in to her life); and prospects of change and fear of the future made looking ahead difficult (even good things, like new jobs and the independence of being 18 can be scary if they are new to you). What Daisy saw looked like frightful giants. But through all of the struggles, what Daisy has held on to, what has secured her is her love for the Lord. Just a few weeks ago Daisy had to prepare an oral report, to be presented before her class at school, the theme was “Hope” and she gave me permission to share it with you.

“Sometimes we look at our lives and we see something like a tree. We go through seasons when our leaves are green and we have lovely fruit and flowers. Suddenly winter comes, and our tree looks sad—like we have lost everything, like all our fruit has died. Where is the beauty of the tree? Where is its life? Could there still be hope inside this dry tree?

There is hope, it is coming in the very next season!  Spring arrives with new leaves, wonderful colors and fruit. The beauty is renewed because the life was always there, inside the tree! It doesn’t matter what the season of life we are going through.  You can be rich or poor, young or old, where ever you are there is hope. Our hope is in the promises of God. In His Word God speaks about you. When you look for signs of hope but don’t see them, hold on. Believe in the life God has for you, deep inside. All of His promises are true and in his time they will sprout. Winter can be sad and difficult. It is hard to wait to get married when you are young; when you aren’t so young you still have to wait, when you look but don’t yet see—believe that spring is coming, that it will arrive. How many of the young people here are looking forward to getting married? Looking forward to a blessed marriage? Wait on the Lord, please Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. It is hard to wait, but remember that there is life, the very Word of Life, in you and you will bloom again!”                                  Daisy Ribeiro

Editor’s note:  This is only a small part of Jonni’s newsletter.  They are always so well written and full of news from the Miriam Infant Home.  So you can read the “Rest of the Story" by clicking here.