Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kvale Connection Prayer Letter-March

Awana presentation

Being invited to share at a local AWANA kids Bible club for their mission night stirred many things in us. It is interesting that when we are to plants seeds in the lives of young children eager for more of God, what challenges start to set attempted roadblocks. With discouragement, illness, setbacks, and stress knocking at our door, nevertheless, we made our date with these great kids and leaders! Sharing about all the different things people do to be a part of the translation process and hearing from the kids about their zeal and curiosity concerning missions made it a memorable and motivating night that wrenches our hearts with passion for God’s Word and compassion for His people, His children.

None of us know the future, whether today, tomorrow, next week or next year. And whether child or adult, we all have dreams, goals or things we hope for. He alone knows the number of our days and how much more valuable is our time and investment while spent with His guidance and direction. How much more urgent it is to get God’s Word out there where it has never yet been with its transforming power. Let us persevere in child-like faith!

So despite the roadblocks of any kind, the celebrating continues!


Glenda’s mother, Eleanor Aaberg (87) is busting her road block to pieces with a grin at what the Doc says was a miraculous recovery.  Praise God!

Editor's Note: You can read the Kvale’s prayer concerns as well as a wonderful story from Wycliffe Bible Translators here.