Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bible Training Ministry in Ukraine and Beyond

Greetings from the Coyles!

We would like to begin our update by saying thank you to all of you who have prayed for us these past few weeks as we left America and re-entered life here in Ukraine. It has been a smooth re-entry for which we are grateful. Again, we are reminded of His love and care for us as He provides for us in every way.

Family- As I (Andy) write, Moriah and Isaiah are busy at school. In our first week of adjustment, their schooling was a major area in which the Lord's guidance and help was quite evident. The kids' excitement for returning to school- and our Ukrainian way of life- was an answer to prayer. One change for our schooling this fall is that we enrolled Isaiah at Moriah's school (kindergarten, three days a week). This makes our traveling logistics much simpler as I will drop off and pick up on my way to Petrodolina. We are thankful for this school as it has such a strong Christian focus as well as a comfortable environment. Isaiah is pretty excited to be with his big sister (and she was pretty eager to show him the ropes).

Housing- Throughout the past year and especially this past summer, we spoke much about sensing the need to live out in Petrodolina. We came for the Bible school and our desire has been to be part of that community. It seems as though God is making a way for this to happen. We have a very foreseeable option, and the EEMN Board has given approval to move forward with the purchasing process (upon the completion of our visa renewal). We are very excited about this possibility and thank God for his provision and timing.  Please pray for this long process, and that God would grant wisdom and clarity in the details.

Bible School- Our student enrollment for this fall is less than expected, yet we are thankful for the four students whom God has called. We will also begin this year with Katya from last year. She started about two months late, and as a result will make up what she missed. Despite the small class size, it is important to continue, in order that the two-year program can begin next year. This gives the 2013 graduates the opportunity to begin the second-year program, without having to wait another year. I look forward to sharing more about our students in the next update. Please pray for our staff and students as we begin this coming Sunday, September 15.

Finances Needed- As God continues to build the foundation for this school, we move forward with plans for an official Bible School building. This past summer, I shared many times about how we need an officially zoned (residentially and educationally) building to meet Ukrainian law, as well as provide for future expansion. The facility we have been using does not and cannot meet these standards. This is a crucial issue not only for the future growth of this school, but also for the present

Editor’s note:  You can visit the Coyle family blog  for more ministry updates and family photos.  You can also read the rest of the Coyle’s newsletter here.