Monday, June 30, 2014

Mafú (Matthew Abel) on Mission


Hello Friends and Family!

    Ãcõreba bendesidia! (“God bless you” in the Emberá language.) It is great to be back in Brazil, and I look forward to some time at home.

First off,  thank you for your prayers and financial support. We found ourselves constantly depending on the work of the Holy Spirit in order to succeed in all areas - spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, financial. Your prayers helped us succeed and your financial gifts provided for our basic needs for transportation and food. We made it - Thank you!

As you may or may not know, I have spent the last two months, along with 14 others, among the indigenous peoples of Panama. Just being a part of our team  was a cultural experience in itself as we had young people from Canada, U.S., Holland, Nicaragua, Honduras, Brazil, Columbia, Panama and 2 different Indian tribes in Panama. We traveled by land and water from the northwest corner to the south side of Panama on the Pacific side and back up on the Atlantic side. Though we ministered to various people including Ngobe, Buglere, Emberá, Waunán, Afro-descendants and Latinos, the bulk of our time was spent with the Emberá Indians in the Darien rain forest near the Columbian border.

We spent time in churched areas, evangelizing and encouraging the church, loving and serving in Jesus’ name. We also went to where there are no churches preaching the Good News that Jesus paid it all and purchased our freedom from fear, sin, and damnation.  We entertained, we taught, we preached, we prayed for the sick, we cast out demons and we served in Jesus’ name.  

I have graduated from Discipleship Training School and am once again serving in Brazil.  As I reflect on this past semester I am encouraged to see how the Lord has used me in the building up of the Kingdom and how He has worked in my life, conforming me to Jesus.

Now I am at home with the continual mission of making disciples of Jesus by cultivating intentional relationships, pursuing Jesus, living the model life, preaching, teaching, loving, giving, serving, singing, smiling, submitting, encouraging, challenging, correcting, influencing, empowering ….. All for the glory of God, the salvation of souls and our joy!

    God bless you all.  In Christ, Mafú

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." Acts 20:2