World Relief has once again committed to helping those in greatest need around the world be Christ in their community. World Relief is equipping churches with both the financial resources and the much needed supplies to both clean-up what Katrina has left behind and when necessary, rebuild.
Like most of our communities, World Relief understands that churches already make up a grassroots volunteer network that can be mobilized immediately to be the hands and feet of Christ. This follows the disaster response model used in Indonesia after the tsunami, as well as other relief efforts World Relief has led during our 60 years of operation. World Relief will work with participating churches to provide assistance solely on the basis of need encouraging them to reach out to their entire community.
With the massive amount of clean up that will be undertaken in the coming weeks, volunteers will need chainsaws, containers to haul away debris, hoses, cleaning supplies, tools, and other items that will require an influx of cash. I am asking you to consider making a gift today to help with these items.
If you would like to make a gift that will help those effected by Hurricane Katrina please send your gift to World Relief, PO Box 868, Baltimore, MD 21202. Please put in the memo,"Hurricane Relief Fund." You may also go online to make your gift at www.worldrelief.com or call us toll free at 1-800-535-LIFE (5433). Gifts to World Relief can be sent to AFLC World Missions marked "World Relief, Hurricane Fund."
Please pray that God's grace, mercy and peace be among those who have lost their homes, vehicles, family photo albums, church, furniture, pets, entire businesses and most devastatingly - their family and friends.