Where does the boldness to proclaim Christ come from? The believers in the book of Acts recognized that they did not have the power in themselves to be witnesses of the risen Jesus Christ, but that the power to witness came from the Holy Spirit. Before He ascended, Jesus had told them, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about” (Acts 1:4). Why were they to wait? They needed to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to be Jesus’ witnesses in
At Bethel Free Lutheran, where I am serving my Seminary Internship, we have embarked as a congregation on a study of the book of Acts. Pastor Lloyd Quanbeck and I are preaching through the book, and the mid-week Bible studies also focus on Acts. I have been continually amazed at the boldness of the apostles to proclaim Jesus even in the face of suffering and death. They were convinced that this Jesus was truly the Savior of the world and that every human in all the world needed to hear about Him. Being a witness is not a matter of trying harder or setting your mind to it. Witnessing happens naturally when the Holy Spirit of God produces the fruit of love in your heart that overflows to those around you. Missions is rooted in a love for people and a concern for their souls.
Rhoda, Elijah, and I are very much enjoying this year of Internship in
Nate Jore
Seminary Intern,