"O Praise the Lord, for it is a good thing to sing praises unto our God; yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it is to be thankful."
One act that all Christians share, regardless of status, nationality, income level, or surroundings, is the opportunity to give thanks and praise to God, our Father.
What a blessing it is this holiday season to reflect on all that God has done in our lives. As an act of Thanksgiving, we reach out to help those who are suffering and reflect the love that God has shown us. Families and communities hurt by poverty, disease, war, natural disaster, separation and persecution face daunting obstacles. But by sharing resources, we can help provide comfort, build community, and facilitate forgiveness.
We are not to do this alone. Christians are called to come together as a body - it is the Church that brings life and hope to those surrounded by darkness. In communities around the world, local congregations and leaders receive training, funding and support - thanks to the generous giving from churches and supporters partnered with World Relief. Because of this collaborative effort, some of the poorest people on earth are experiencing transformation in their own lives, in their families, in their churches, and in their communities. Many people are singing praises and thanksgiving - because they have experienced His love and understand that His mercy endures forever.
This year the world has seen tremendous hurt caused by natural disasters and continued violence, but we have also witnessed acts of caring and peace and reconciliation.
I thank the Lord that we serve a God who can accomplish much through imperfect vessels such as us.
Have a blessed holiday.
Sammy Mah
World Relief