Greetings from beautiful Minnesota where it appears that summer has finally arrived.
For the past year, I have been seeking God about my future and what he wants for me. For a long time I had no direction at all. Then things slowly started to fall into place. This past year, Zakaria, the Dean of Waama Bible School in Tanzania, began attending the Association Seminary and was given a room in the dormitory just down the hall from mine. Largely through Zakaria's invitation and times of prayer with him, God called me to go to Tanzania and teach at Waama Bible School.
Within a few weeks, God led me to an acquaintance of mine who seemed interested in the possibility. I have only met him one time, but God soon confirmed a call to Jesse Long to teach with me at Waama. Jesse is a 26-year-old pastor's son from Washington State. He has a big heart for missions and has made four missions trips to Brazil totaling almost a year. He has recently been working full-time and leading a youth group. Jesse's decision to go to Tanzania has postponed his plans to attend seminary. As of the writing of this letter, both Jesse and I are in the final stages of being accepted as Short Term Missionaries through the AFLC World Missions. We have committed to spend one school year there, but I hope that we can stay for at least two, maybe more.
It would be foolish of us to even consider embarking on a missionary endeavor like this without a committed support group to uphold us in prayer. To put it plain and simple, without prayer, we will fail. Would you consider becoming a part of the team by faithfully upholding Jesse and I in prayer? Jesse and I are also responsible for raising our own financial support. We will each be needing roughly $800 per month for our living and ministry expenses. In addition to this we each need to raise money for onetime expenses.
Would you consider joining my team as a financial partner? I am trusting in the Lord to provide for all our needs. I would be truly blessed if the Lord would lay it on your heart to partner with me and join in the work in Tanzania by supporting us in prayer and possibly even financially.
Ben Jore can be contacted at ben_jore@kastanet.org