Thank you for praying for our Lenten youth programs. The theme this year was the parable of the soils. Our students once again were able to be involved in over 30 of these programs during the 3 weeks before Easter.
On the day we touched on the topic of death Marek’s testimony was powerful as he shared about his accident and brush with death when he was 12. Just seeing Marek praising God in Bible school is such a great testimony to God’s grace. Please pray with us for his future as he is seeking a way in
which he can serve God even with his disabilities.
Tim Hinrichs
Prayer Requests
• Bible school facility – Betania in Bielsko-Biała
• Jaworze and Jasienica youth that were touched through Pastor Don
• Students: Marek’s future plans. We also pray for Boris (from Ukraine) who feels a call into the
ministry. Pray for Simeon that he makes a clear surrender to the Lord.
• Student outreach to Ukrainian Gypsies June 8-12. All our daily students (8) will be going on a 4 day missions trip to minister in the Ukraine.
• Ministry opportunities in July:
Tent crusade in Dzięgielów (8-16)
Evangelistic week in Zelów (23-29)
Bible Retreat Institute (17-27)
Tim will be involved as a Bible teacher in all three of these events.
We pray also for many opportunities to share about Bible school and reach future students.