We pray this little update finds you well. Summer is coming to an end for most of you as we are looking forward to spring in
Brazil. The azaleas are in bloom right now – the bursts of bright color are a joy to behold! We are looking for more rain to start turning the landscape back to a vivid green. Many people suffer in our valley due to allergies from the great amounts of dust and dirt in the air from the limestone factories and the dirt roads.
Pastor Horn
We’ve had a good month. Pastor Marty Horn came from the U.S. to be with us for two weeks. During that time he spoke in three of our Curitiba churches before traveling with us to the Bible School in Campo Mourão. There he had an opportunity to teach all the Free Lutheran pastors who were united for national church board meetings. Marty also gave 6 hours of seminary classes, and we traveled to three other churches in our state. The messages were good reminders of God’s view of the local congregation. Marty’s contribution in helping us encourage our churches, pastors and seminarians is greatly appreciated. While we were in Campo Mourão we spent time encouraging the seven students from Bateias as well as the other students and teachers. We ask for your prayers for Pastor Natanael and Pastor Iran as they take on new responsibilities in administrating the Bible School.
Campo Largo
Back at home again we have worked on painting the Campo Largo church to avoid all the water seepage every time it rains on those cement blocks. People are enjoying the new look at church. We have church services or home Bible Studies every night except Monday thus seeking to teach and preach God’s Word so that more may come to know Jesus and His ways. There are a lot of “ups and downs” working with people, many who have not yet made decisions for Christ or who are immature in their faith. But, we persevere in sowing the good seed, and hope that in time we will see good fruits appear.
Pastors' Retreat
Last week we participated in a two-day retreat for pastors and wives. It was a good spiritual refresher for us. Paul did some of the translating work for one of the American speakers and I translated for the American couple so they could understand what was happening when the other speakers were sharing. It was good to be reminded that God’s greatest desire is our own personal relationship with Him.
We have heard from our boys. Andrew has enjoyed working on the farm in northern MN. He moves to AFLBS on Sunday. Matthew is already busy at Hillcrest. He was chosen to be the class chaplain and the Varsity soccer team captain. He also was selected to be the first chair flute player (of 14) in the band and loves helping with praise and worship. He has a Korean roommate so will probably learn more Korean this year. It sounds like he has had a good start at school.
The girls and their husbands had lunch with us yesterday along with a longtime friend of ours from Paraguay. We also had some other visitors around the table, representing 7 different nationalities. We would like to make a special request of you at this time. We are so appreciative of the faithful prayers of many on our behalf. Joanna received some sad news from the doctor on Friday telling her that her baby is very under-nourished. She is in her seventh month of pregnancy. The baby needs to gain significant weight in the next fifteen days. Would you please join us in prayer for this little life? Also pray that Joanna and Silvio might have wisdom in knowing how to rearrange their busy schedules to facilitate this weight gain. Sunday is little Deborah’s 2nd birthday and we look forward to celebrating with her.
o Grade
The following weekend we will be traveling to Campo Grande to minister to couples and youth in the Free Lutheran church there. Life and ministry continue. God’s grace and faithfulness are constant encouragers. People being saved and growing in their faith motivate us to continue on. Your prayers hold us up and strengthen us day by day. Thanks!
In closing, just thought I’d mention Judah, the young man from Canada who is living with us. He is learning Portuguese and learning a bunch of other things as well. I was reminded yesterday about the importance of modeling the Christian life to others by including people in our everyday living. Three of the youth who lived with us twenty years ago spoke to us this past week about the important life lessons they learned during that time. One of the fellows is now a father of three and shared with us how he has tried to model his family after ours. He was not raised in a Christian family but today he is an awesome dad who has learned how to love and share Jesus with his children. Although we have no more kids at home we hope we can be a good model of Christian living and Christian relationships to Judah and to Marcia and her girls and to whoever else God brings through the doors of our home.
Have a good fall and an easy transition to the demands of a new school year!
We love and appreciate you.
In Christ’s love,
Paul and Becky