Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Paul and Becky Active in Brazil

Another month is gone and it’s time for another little epistle from us! We’ve seen God’s provision and protection, His guidance and goodness in our lives. We praise Him for who He is and for His unfailing love and patience with a sinful and rebellious world.

First we’d like to thank you for your prayers and let you in on how the Lord has graciously answered.

  • Joanna’s baby (Sarah) miraculously gained the weight she needed. She’s back on the charts! Both mom and baby seem to be in good health and the doctor says she will probably be born early, in the next two weeks. The umbilical cord is around Sarah’s neck, so if you could pray for that situation we would be grateful. Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer.

  • Our trip to Campo Grande was a blessing. Another couple went with us to keep us company and to help drive (2 days to go and 2 days to come back). It was a beautiful drive and we were well-received by our brothers and sisters in Christ there.

  • It finally rained here (we got more rain in two days than the monthly September average) and everything is greening up and the air is clear. Thank you, Lord!

  • Things are going OK at the Bible School. We are thankful that Pastor Connely will be arriving this week to help with the transition process.

Unfortunately in September we had many rental cancellations at the ARCA. We can’t afford that! However, we decided to use the opportunity to get some projects done.

  • The picnic area was remodeled because the old posts had rotted and the roof was sagging.
  • We also put ceilings in the chapel and the kitchen, so things are looking pretty nice down in that former rabbit barn.
  • A bathroom for the cooks and maintenance staff was also completed. Thanks to those of you who have contributed to these special projects. It’s really great to have this place to use for ministry!

Other highlights in September include four conversion stories for which we praise the Lord.

  • We plant the seeds and He brings forth new life! Maria accepted the Lord and brings her three lovely little girls to church regularly. She had been working at a factory that makes saints, but after she shared about her decision to follow Jesus and declare that she no longer believed in saints, the others began to blame her every time a saint got broken or flawed. She decided to quit her job and trust the Lord to help her find a job that would honor Him. Her husband left her so she has lots of responsibility in raising her daughters alone.
  • Darcy and his wife Hilda also accepted the Lord. Their marriage was in crisis as he had decided to have an affair and leave his family. Their 10-yr. old daughter Taylane had been coming to church regularly and invited her parents to come and look for help. Paul had the opportunity to lead both of them to the Lord individually. Now the long process of discipleship has begun.
  • Then last weekend a teenager named Aline prayed to receive Jesus. She comes from a very traditional religious family. Her parents are irate about her decision to become an evangelical Christian and feel jealous about the daughter’s newfound life and friends and fellowship. Pray that we might have an opportunity to evangelize them as well.

This past weekend we had a 15th birthday party for a lovely girl from the Bateais church. Her party was a clear witness of the love of Christ to the many non-Christian friends and relatives in attendance. Ednay is a shining star in the darkness of this sinful world. She has a strong witness at school and everyone knows her convictions and her faith in Jesus. She and some other kids from our church have been chosen to sing and play in a special hand-picked group at school where they have been able to influence the choice of music and be witnesses for Christ. This weekend we also had a church potluck dinner in Campo Largo as well as the services and a Dorcas Room clothing sale.

A couple of other fun events in September included birthday parties for granddaughter Deborah and daughter Joanna and a Choral Festival put on by the church in São Braz. Four choirs participated in this night of praise in the form of sacred music. Afterwards a beautiful lunch was served to all in attendance. Now it’s time for us to get working on Christmas programs! Hasn’t this year gone by quickly?

What’s up in October?

  • Saturday we have a wedding in Campo Largo for a couple who have lived together for years and have three children. They both have been transformed by the miraculous grace of Jesus. A few months ago the husband was ready to walk out on the family, but today (PTL!) he participates regularly at church and has learned to pray with his family daily. We are happy to make their situation right in the sight of God and man. So, this week I’ll be making wedding cake and trying to figure out how to decorate the church.
  • The following weekend is our three-day Mission Conference for the Free Lutheran churches of Brazil. This is a first! Please pray with us for this special time of encouraging our people to look beyond themselves to a world in desperate need of salvation in Jesus. We will be offering workshops in various areas and then on Saturday we will put the learning into practice as we lead Bible Clubs in various areas of Bateias and hold an evangelistic outreach in the evening. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers! I will be leading the workshop on VBS and Bible Clubs and Paul will be one of the evening speakers.

I’d better close here as it’s time to close up shop for the night. God’s Word continues to be a joy and comfort to us as we read and meditate and trust and obey. May you, too, find refuge in this wonderful treasure God has given us. “Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts.” Jer. 15:16

Thank you for your love and prayers! Stop and pray for us right now if you have a minute!

Sending our love, Paul and Becky