We also organized a special series of seminars every day featuring our teachers from Bible school who taught a “sample” lecture from the school year to give people a taste of Bible school. We talked to many potential students and reunited with many from past years. Another way we were involved was by leading two hours of “English Worship” one evening with our music team and me preaching just as we do once a month in Cieszyn. This time of course we had a much larger “congregation.” It was really an anointed time as we saw the Spirit leading and the name of Jesus being exalted. So many were encouraged.
Youth Climbing Camp
In the middle of July, a new camp started in Wisla for teenagers which was organized by the Polish para-church youth ministry “MED” located here in Ustroń. Tim was invited to be the Bible teacher for the English language/climbing camp. Every day the 30 kids would hike up to the mountains and do rock climbing and then in the evening we would lead them in a time of worship and preaching. Five youth workers from Great Britain came to help staff the camp.
The theme for the 10 days was “The Trails of our Lives” as each day we studied a different aspect of our walk with the Lord. He really blessed the time there as many young people were open to the Lord. Several teens were touched by the Word and later wrote in response: “Once again I returned to the right path,” “I fell in love with the Lord Jesus,” “I repented and asked the Lord Jesus into my heart.” In one evening five young men gave their life to the Lord in the closing prayer! So we praise the Lord for his mercy and pray for these young people - that they might grow and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord.
Children’s Camp in Dzięgielów

Peter had a great time too. We learned songs in Hebrew and the kids had a workshop with bells which Peter played in on the last day. For more pictures on line go to www.luteranie.pl/dziegielow/index4.html and click on each day.