Christmas is the time to give gifts. Why not give gifts that are useful and long lasting?
Praying for others is a gift that is ongoing throughout the year. Praying for “peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” is good for everyone. Would you make a “prayer list” for 2008 and remember to pray daily for others around the world sharing that gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you so much for praying for me and my family this last year. Would you please continue to pray for each missionary by name as we work in the “Harvest Field” for the Lord and the AFLC.
It was a joy to “share missions to the students during the “J term” (January)” then at the end of January and into February, it was on to
During the summer and fall, I was traveling for missions both in the
While traveling on the airplanes and in airports, it was remarkable how many opportunities opened up to share Jesus, praying for “weary travelers.” Prayer truly is the gift that can be shared with all peoples – It is the gift that keeps on giving.
In closing, think of those millions around the world who have NO ONE to pray for them, this Christmas. Would you be willing to add more to your Christmas list of prayer? Giving the gift that keeps on giving.
Joy in His Service,
CJ Dyrud