We are sorry our November update is coming in December but we went through some difficult days last week so there was no strength left to send out a prayer update. We hope you understand.
Most of you probably did not know but God had blessed us and we were expecting a baby. We were really excited about it!!! We were very much looking forward to celebrating Christmas as a family of three for the first time. God gave this baby to us through a big miracle so we thought that He would also continue to protect the baby until he/she would be born next summer. So it was a big shock to us when we lost the baby. We felt confused as to why God would create this new life in such a miraculous way (after we prayed for this baby for a long time) and then chose to take him/her only couple of weeks later… But we are learning to trust God even when we do not understand His plans… We are doing better this week and we believe that even though it is very hard, even this is a part of God’s bigger plan. But please keep us in your prayers.
The good news of November is that we got our Ukrainian one-year religious work visa. We had to travel to the Ukrainian embassy in
After we successfully got our visa (after a couple different visits to the embassy and couple of weeks of waiting!), it was time to travel back to
Thank you so much for your prayers!!!
Blessings, Tomasz and Miriam