The new book Missionary Chronicles is now available from Ambassador Publications. The book is a great tool for family devotions as Pastor Kevin Olson describes below. It provides a direct connection between the reader and our AFLC missionaries. You can order the book from Ambassador Publications by calling 763-545-5631.
Our family has been going through the Missionary Chronicles book for family devotions. It has been interesting, encouraging and an unexpected tool for evangelism. This past week my daughter had a friend stay over night. The mission story that we read for the night described using the “Wordless Book” to share the gospel with children in India. As we read the story, we were sharing the gospel with my daughter’s friend at the same time.
If you haven’t ordered a copy of the book yet, do so. Read the wonderful works that the Lord has been doing through the people in the AFLC. Read about the many parts of the world that the Lord has been reaching into, but read it to hear the Lord speak to you and your calling in life as well.
Pastor Kevin Olson