Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Update on Tanzania from Ben Jore

benJune 29th marked the end of our second school year in Tanzania as we graduated the 42 students we taught this past year. It was a wonderful, God-centered celebration. The day after that, Jesse and I left for Arusha for a couple days of "down time". After saying goodbye to a number of our friends there, we departed the country for summer break.

Jesse left for Washington state and will stay in the US for the whole 3-month summer break. After a 64.5 hour trip, I finally arrived in Brazil. I am visiting my parents and younger brother and will be here for about 1.5 months of summer vacation. I will then head to Uganda for a month or so where I will work with my brother Nate on a curriculum he is developing for training pastors. We are also planning on doing some Jesus Film showings.

A special thanks to all of you who pray for me and support the ministry.
Your part in this work is indispensable. I was reminded the other day of just how important your prayers are - Jesse, myself, and three of our friends were taking a motorcycle trip to visit a missionary friend of ours. The lead motorcycle (driven by Eivind - an MAF pilot) was cruising along when a bike suddenly cut in front of him causing a crash.

Thankfully we weren't going fast and Eivind had full protective gear, including a helmet. The bicyclist escaped with a decent gash in his forehead and some bumps and bruises, but Eivend wasn't so lucky. When he fell, he hit his helmet on a rock and was knocked unconscious for about
4-5 minutes. After regaining consciousness he was very confused and didn't even start speaking for about 3 hours. The next morning he was doing much better but was flown to Nairobi, Kenya for further observation and tests. He is still there and is continuing well towards a full recovery. Who knows how many times we could have just as easily hit a motorcycle. We will never know this side of glory how many potential accidents were avoided because of your prayers. Thanks for praying and please continue to pray for Eivind as he recovers.

God bless you,
