Christmas is almost here! And I’m not ready! How about you? I’m ready for Jesus to come back again, but I’m not ready with all the things that need to be done if His second coming delays. How I praise God that He is never in a rush and that He always has time for me and for all who call upon Him. Tonight I reminded the choir members of the marvel of God becoming man and dwelling among us – Emanuel. His love and grace are way beyond our human comprehension, yet we can believe and rest in the fact that we are forgiven and redeemed even though we are so terribly marked by sin. May we be blessed to imitate Jesus’ example of loving and forgiving and identifying with those who need the Savior.
Our trip to Campo Mourão for graduation in November turned out to be a great time. Since then we have had lots of meetings and counseling sessions. Conflict resolution has a way of sapping our energy at times, but we want to be available to help people and to show them the truth of God’s Word. Paul has preached and helped out with several things at the São Braz church. They are looking forward to starting the new year out with a new pastor. Paul has also been busy discipling and visiting people in Campo Largo and Bateias. He also contracted a couple of young men to work on the concrete ball court at the ARCA. One-third of the court is almost finished now.
Once again I decided to go ahead and create a Christmas play complete with adult and children’s choirs, choreography, and a play. The production is called “A New Heart for Christmas.” The adult choir has 25 singers and the children’s choir is about 30. Although the musical ability is quite limited, the enthusiasm and dedication make up for what is lacking in the other areas. We have been practicing twice a week with both groups. Starting Saturday we will have choir presentations six times before Christmas. Much to Paul’s chagrin we were invited to sing in front of one of the stores downtown two nights next week. The others are very excited about the opportunity, and we’ll make the most of it by giving it our all and handing out tract and invitations to our church program on the weekend.
Sunday the girls and their families came out and we decorated the house for Christmas. The days are warm and everything is a lush green – perfect for Christmas, right? I still seem to think snow goes with Christmas, but my Brazilian-raised children think otherwise. The countdown is on for Andrew and Matthew to arrive and spend a few weeks with us – we can hardly wait! And they are more than eager to come back home again.
Andrew arrives Dec. 21 and Matthew flies in on Dec. 25. We would appreciate your prayers for them as they make those long flights and are miraculously united with us again. Joanna is finishing up a successful year with her Christian school, Silvio continues on in the city government as the mayor’s assistant, Christina is completing her Nutrition degree now in December, and Daniel has passed in first place in one of his residency tests in orthopedics. The little granddaughters are lots of fun and we enjoy special moments together. We are all looking forward to a couple of days together as family after Christmas.
We would like to wish you all a very special Christmas. May you remember the One whose birth we celebrate. And be thankful! Many people around the world are suffering terribly. We ought never to take our blessings for granted. The state just south of us has been having terrible flooding and great losses. Many lost their lives and tens of thousands are homeless. Let us share with those in need and have a heart of compassion for those who do not know the Lord. Thank you for the ways you have done just that in supporting our ministry and taking an interest in the lives of people you do not know personally, but who benefit from your love and prayers and gifts.
God’s rich blessings to you this Christmas!
Love in Jesus,
Paul and Becky