"Fall on your knees and grow there. There is no burden of the spirit but is lighter by kneeling under it. Prayer means not always talking to Him, but waiting before Him till the dust settles and the stream runs clear." F. B. Meyer I have two more men for my Bible study at the Cross Roads Mission now. Pray for Lester, Luis and Lupillo. Lester is battling alcohol, Luis and Lupillo methamphetamine.
Alfonso and I had a busy day on Sunday with three different cells in Mascarenas besides our own in Buenos Aires. It is exciting when the believers don't think a neighbor or relative will be interested, only to find them joining in. This happened in two of the meetings. Pray for the households of Maria Jesus, Chui and Jesus. Our Buenos Aires church was full again, with several new people that we have visited in the neighborhood joining us. Edgar is now playing all songs with me with his guitar. Pray for more chairs.
We were able to visit the split family again (Manuel the Catholic/Juana the Jehovah's Witness), this time spending some time with Juana. It seems she's not as founded in this cult as we had feared. I believe that through our "waiting on Him" together, and persistence with the Word we might see the "stream run clear" so that the whole family might be saved.
Michelle had two court dates yesterday. She was pretty scared. Now she's depressed because of another year of house arrest and probation. Pray that our study of the Catechism together will cause her to settle down in Jesus and not run anymore.
Antonio is starting a Catechism study with another young man, Samuel. He has had a rough time with drugs and bad friends. Pray Jesus get a hold of his heart.
Darwin, Mary Ann and Gracie Jackson