How thankful we are that the mercies of the Lord never cease and that your prayers on our behalf continue to bring us hope and encouragement as we labor in Brazil. There probably is no need to comment on the fact that we have been extremely busy since 2009 began. We are starting to feel our 50+ years as we struggle to keep up with the pace of life around here. People, people everywhere all the time make life fun, but hectic. We had the privilege of hosting Pastor Tom and Patricia and baby Hadassa for a couple of weeks when they first arrived in town to start work in the São Braz church. We are rejoicing in the wonderful start they have had in the congregation and the warm welcome they have received. The congregation is thrilled to have them! The following week our seminary intern, Edival, arrived with his fiancée Karla and her mother to spend time with us and make some wedding plans for next year. Karla is studying in Campo Mourão at the Bible School. During this time we also welcomed Alisha Benton from the MTI program at the Bible School for her three-month internship in Brazil. She has adjusted well and keeps busy trying to learn Portuguese, making friends, and helping Joanna at her Christian day school. At the end of February John and Ruby arrived to bless us once again with their encouragement and words of wisdom. They are planning three evangelism campaigns while in Brazil this year.
During January and February we also had about 10 kids here daily to work on outside jobs to make money for camp. Paul would serve up breakfast for the whole group and have morning devotions with them before getting each one settled into a job for the day. This method of giving camp scholarships helps the youth be responsible and value their camp experience. Working with a bunch of adolescents has its own challenges, but we pray that our time and teaching and example will help them follow Jesus. Youth camp in February was a great blessing! Thanks to those of you who prayed. We had 150 youth gathered at the ARCA for the 5-day camp. This Saturday we will be having a camp reunion at one of our churches to share experiences, give testimonies, praise the Lord together and hear another challenging message from the Word concerning God’s plan to transform our lives.
Many times we refer to the events and responsibilities we have as “giants.” Paul often says we just need to kill one giant at a time. So the most recent giant was the big event we hosted at the ARCA last weekend. For months the ladies have been planning a national Free Lutheran Ladies Conference. We were pleased to have 175 people for our special event. The singing, teaching and fellowship were great and the women really enjoyed the time together. Paul and a terrific group of volunteer men took over the kitchen to produce wonderful meals for the hungry ladies. Yara and I delivered the messages and each church had opportunity to share special presentations. The weather was perfect and we are still alive to tell the story! Our next big “giant” is the Easter Passion Play which will be presented the three nights of Easter weekend. There is still much to do to prepare for this event.
If any of you have the erroneous idea that missionaries just sit in the shade of a palm tree sipping lemonade, guess again! In addition to all the big events, we are actively involved in the ministry of church-planting. We have services four nights each week and Sunday mornings, plus visits and counseling, etc. In case any of you might be feeling sorry for us I just want you to know that we do take time for a getaway now and then. We took an overnight trip to the beach after camp with John and Ruby and Alisha to enjoy the wonders of God’s creation.
We try to find time once in awhile for our own family in the midst of all the other things. We have the joy of speaking with our boys by phone regularly. The girls are busy with their jobs, ministries and families. Christina’s college graduation will be on March 27 and we will have a reception for her following the ceremony. Joanna is thrilled to have 52 students in her school this year. The granddaughters enjoy going to school every day with Mommy.
Last time I wrote I mentioned a couple of prayer requests. Agnaldo, the recovering alcoholic, has chosen to attend an Assembly of God church in town and he seems to be doing pretty well. Also we rejoice in the successful surgery for Gabriel who is now at home recovering.
God has answered our prayers with a resounding “yes” in these situations and for this we give thanks and praise to our sovereign God. Marcia continues to struggle with some health problems but her testimony is strong and vibrant as she trusts in the Lord. Her little girls eat lunch with us during the week while she is at work. They have become favorite friends to Alisha and one of the girls had a birthday party with Alisha on March 10. Birthday parties are a big deal here and it seems like almost every week we are celebrating with someone. Alisha enjoyed the special attention and celebration with her new Brazilian friends. Now for a few prayer requests: Yara will be leaving on a mission trip to Paraguay this Saturday so we ask for prayer on her behalf that she might be a blessing there as she is here with us. Would you also remember Heidy in prayer? She is our 15-year godchild who is going through treatment for depression. This weekend we ask for prayer as Paul will preach in the Vila Camargo church, and next week an evangelistic campaign will begin in their sister church in Borda do Campo. The week following Easter we look forward to the arrival of our Mission Director Del Palmer and Pastor Jim and Linda Fugleberg from Fargo, ND. Besides visiting several churches they will lead a seminar for pastors while in Brazil. We need to raise money for the national pastors to take advantage of this opportunity for leadership development. If any WMF group, church or individual would like to contribute to this project, please send your gift to AFLC World Missions designated for Brazil National Leadership Conference.
So, there you have it! A little rundown on what has been happening in the life and times of Paul and Becky Abel. We are grateful for the ways you support our ministry with your prayers and gifts. Our purpose for the Brazilian Christians is the same purpose Paul shared with the Colossians in chapter 2, verses 2 and 3 – “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”