The World Missions Committee has approved two new short term mission assistants. They are Nathan Olson and Jon Nelson. Nathan and Jon will be working on summer teams until fall, then they will be serving for nine months in Brazil. Pleas
e be in prayer for Nathan and Jon.
You can view their blog by clicking here.
People often ask, “What is a Short Term Missions Assistant (STA)?” Short Term Assistants are people who feel a special burden for particular aspect of foreign mission work. They come to the AFLC World Missions Committee and receive the Committee’s blessing to volunteer on the mission field. We have Short Term Assistants working in Mexico, Uganda, Ecuador, Tanzania and now Brazil. We have had STA’s on other fields as well.
The World Missions Committee realizes the value of Short Term Assistants. They sacrificially work long days and often carry a heavy load both in terms of work and spiritual responsibility. Because Short Term Assistants work on a volunteer basis they do not receive a salary or benefits. They are supported by offerings given for their living expenses. These offerings can be given through AFLC World Missions.
We urge you to pray diligently for our Short Term Assistants and support them financially as they serve the Lord on the front lines in spreading the Gospel.