Mr.Raju is a medical doctor in Chirala who helps at Free Lutheran Medical Camps. Irrespective of caste and creed, the AFLCI conducts free camps in many villages where there are Free Lutheran Congregations. Many villages do not have hospitals so villagers have many problem when they are sick. These mobile clinics help them to sustain their health.
These camps provide medicines to poor sick people in villages freely. AFLCI is always thankful to her sister organization AFLC in Canada for supporting these mobile medical camps and also thankful to AFLC US World Missions for supporting Dr.Raju so that he is able to conduct camps in many villages.
These photos were recently taken when Dr. Raju conducted camps. Dr.Raju works for AFLCI for a full 20 days each month and the rest of the month he spends in his own clinic and with his family. Please keep this ministry in your prayers.