Often times, we refer to Bibleless peoples still waiting for God’s written word in their heart language and we explain the many years that translation can take. What is being done in the meantime? Wycliffe Bible Translators with One Story, as well as partner organizations such as Faith Comes By Hearing with listening devices, and Campus Crusade for Christ with the “JESUS” film, work to communicate God’s truth to those who will learn best by oral means while the written word is being translated and printed, and literacy programs are being developed.
In the fall of 2008, disastrous floods swept through part of India, killing thousands and affecting 30 million people. Not long before this, The Seed Company (a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate) partnered with New India Evangelistic Association (NIEA), to craft oral Bible stories into nine spoken-only languages in the hard storm-hit regions of India. During relief operations for the flood victims, oral Bible stories brought hope and salvation to many. In December, again the Word of God was shared and the “JESUS” film shown in the local language. That evening, 800 people became followers of Jesus. Over the course of 2011, NIEA workers tramped footpaths into remote villages, bringing with them digital audio players with recorded Bible stories. Groups gathered to listen, much
discussion took place and there were many wonderful questions to answer. Thus, the digital players become a strategic tool to explain, discuss and share with oral cultures. By September 2010, among the 8,800 people listening to the Gospel on the devices, there were 1,052 commitments to Christ. May the message be heard before the storms.
To read the rest of the Kvale’s Newsletter and know how to pray for them, please click here.