Friday, September 21, 2012

Ambassador Institute Expansion

“Kevin, we would like you to come to Ecuador and teach our Bible study leaders how to use the Oral style of training.”

EcuadorMissionary Justo Pilmann made that request after arriving in Cuenca, Ecuador and having a planning retreat with Pastor Santiago and Pastor Darwin Paacha. The curriculum is already translated into Spanish, so training the leaders to use what they already have is the next step and the training will be successful since there are already three strong leaders in the church.
A Bible School is also beginning in Odessa, Ukraine. Missionary Andy Coyle is one member of the team that is starting this school. In June, they received the endorsement of the Dean of the Seminary in St. Petersburg, Russia, which means that he will be recommending future seminary students to start their training in Odessa. Andy will be using the Ambassador Institute’s semester on Character for the first class of the Bible school.

Editor’s note:  This is the first of several installments of the Ambassador Institute Fall Inquiry Newsletter.