Everyone has their own taste, and I am not embarrassed to admit that I am a Walmarter (I also enjoy visiting Target and Marshall’s is a close personal friend). I am told by my Brazilian friends that almost all visitors from the States are surprised to see the big “W” prominently displayed in all the bigger cities (the quote is “I came all this way to shop at Walmart!?!”), but that question isn’t asked by visitors to Campo Mourao—we aren’t big enough. Well, that isn`t quite true; the end of last year a mega-market opened less than a mile from here called “Big”, it belongs to Walmart and is really pretty similar. Since it opened the resident gringa has enjoyed buying REAL peanut butter and a few other items that are very American, but more than that, the Miriam Home has found a part
In the nine months the store has been open we have received two visits from the management and the store has invited us twice to do campaigns to receive non perishable food donations. I led the campaign this last week-end and I have to say, I felt a little like a politician running for office! We had posters and two grocery carts at the front of the store. I shook hands with people as they came in the store, gave them a flyer about the Miriam home and invited them to leave a donation. The result was a huge blessing! Part of the blessing was how our pantry was filled (including, but not limited to 200 lbs of rice, 50 pounds of beans, 40 pounds of sugar and 20 liters of oil). Part was the warm response from the customers that took the folders, asked questions, offered to pray. A third blessing have been the phone calls we have received this week from people who heard about the Miriam Home for the first time (yup, even here in Campo Mourao!) and want to visit us.
And finally, we are blessed by the employees of Big, who got to know us as we greeted people coming in the store. Today I had to go to the store for some cleaning supplies, one of the staff came up to me with a bag she had brought with her to work each day, waiting for me. She wanted to send a gift to the Miriam Home (clothes from one of her children). The clothes are wonderful, but her persistence in bringing the bag to the store three days in a row touched my heart!
Praise the Lord, He is faithfully raising up supporters for the Miriam Home; people who help provide the needs of the Home, people to pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the children’s lives and people willing to open their homes to little ones needing families!
Editor’s note: There is much more to read in Jonni’s Newsletter here.